If a sex determination procedure results in the abortion of a child, it would be a crime of foeticide.
Before 20 weeks
It is a crime to force a woman to abort her foetus, and for a woman to abort her foetus before 20 weeks without the doctor’s approval.
After 20 weeks
If anyone aborts a child after 20 weeks without permission of the Court, then they have committed a crime of foeticide. The Court only gives permission to conduct an abortion after 20 weeks in specific circumstances.
After birth
Killing or causing the death of a child after they are born is a crime known as infanticide, and punishable under the law.
The punishment for foeticide and infanticide is jail time up to 10 years and/or fine.(( Section 315, The Indian Penal Code, 1860.))
To know more about permitted abortions, please refer to our explainer on Abortion.