What are the eligibility criteria for Muslim marriages?

Last updated on May 26, 2022

For a marriage to be legally recognized as a Muslim marriage, the following conditions must be met:(( Mulla, D. F., Sir. (n.d.). Principles of Mahomedan Law (20th ed.) p.251.)) 




A couple can get married if they have attained puberty (usually 15 years). 


Mental State 


A person with mental illness can get married if their guardian has given consent to the marriage. ‘Consent’ or agreeing to get married is an important part of a Muslim marriage. Even though it is assumed that a person with mental illnesses does not have the ability to get married, the law allows such marriages if the guardian agrees to it. 




A boy or girl who has not attained puberty (minor) is not competent to enter into a contract for marriage but the guardian may contract their marriage for them after they attain puberty.(( Shoukat Hussain and another v. State of Punjab and others [CRWP No.733 of 2021 (O&M)].))

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