Who are the authorities under the law?

Last updated on Jun 21, 2022

Advisory Board

The Government will constitute the Advisory Boards at the Central and State level to advise them on matters like:

  • Fixing or revising minimum wages
  • Providing increasing employment opportunities for women and the extent to which establishments can employ women(( Section 42, Code on Wages, 2019.)).


The concerned Government might appoint Inspector-cum-faciltators to:

  • Advice employers and workers relating to compliance with the provisions of this Code.
  • Inspect establishments(( Section 51, Code on Wages, 2019.)).

Gazetted Officer

The concerned Government might appoint one or more authorities, not below the rank of a Gazetted Officer, to hear and determine the claims under the Code. The authority will try to resolve the issue within three months, and can additionally order the employer to pay compensation up to ten times of the claim.

If the employer does not pay the claim and compensation, the authority will issue a certificate of recovery to the Collector or District Magistrate of the area where the establishment is located, to recover the amount as arrears of land revenue. They will  give the recovered amount to the authority to pay the concerned employee(( Section 45, Code on Wages, 2019.)).
If a person is not satisfied with the authority’s decision, they can appeal to the appellate authority within ninety days(( Section 49, Code on Wages, 2019.)).

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