Ration Card

Ration card is an official document issued to households that are eligible to purchase essential commodities, such as food grain, at  subsidized prices from the Public Distribution System, and also serves as a proof of identification.

Ration cards are issued by the Department of Food Supplies and Consumer Affairs of state governments, under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution and the eldest woman of the house, above the age of 18, is the head of the household for the purposes of issue of Ration Cards.(( Section 13(1), National Food Security Act, 2013)) As the issue of Ration Cards is governed by the state, there may be variations in the procedure, documents required, etc. depending on which state you live in.

There are two primary types of Ration Cards:

  • Priority Ration Card – Priority Ration Cards are issued to households that meet the eligibility criteria set by their state government. Each priority household is entitled to 5 kilograms of food grain per member.(( Section 3(1), National Food Security Act, 2013))
  • Antyodaya (AAY) Ration Cards – AAY Ration Cards are issued to “poorest of poor” households.(( Press Information Bureau, Antyodaya Anna Yojana, https://pib.gov.in/newsite/mbErel.aspx?relid=95141)) Each AAY household is entitled to 35 kilograms of food grain.(( Section 3(1), National Food Security Act, 2013))


Source: Karnataka.com. For representational purposes only.

Electronic Ration Card

The governments of some states, like Delhi, have launched an e-Ration service, which are just as valid as physical Ration Cards.This service will enable you to obtain Ration Cards, and check the costs and food grain availability online. For example, for Delhi, you can download your e-Ration Card here.

You can get a new Ration Card, get it updated or get a duplicate. If you require any additional help and support, please see here.

Read this government resource to know more.

Updating Ration Card

When you update your Ration Card, you get a new card with the details changed, as indicated by you. Please read below for information on the details that can be updated, and the procedure for updation.

You can update the following details:

  • The number of family members covered
  • Your personal details, like the name, etc.
  • The details of the head of the household.
  • Change in address
  • Your photograph and biometric details
  • Any other details of the family members covered in the Ration Card(( Process flow for existing Ration Card modifications, https://ahara.kar.nic.in/status2/docs/Direction_RC_english%20pdf.pdf))

To update your Ration Card, follow the steps given below:

Step 1 –You should go to the Circle Office, and tell them what you need to update, on the basis of which, you will be provided with the relevant application form.

Step 2 – You should fill out the application form.

Step 3 – You should submit the relevant documents. The documents required vary from state to state, and also with respect to the details you need to update. For example, if you need to add a family member to be covered under the Card, you must provide his/her birth certificate.

Step 4 – You should get your documents verified.

Step 5 –  You should collect your acknowledgement slip.

Step 6 – You can then collect your Ration Card/get it delivered. Some states have the facility to download it online. For example, in Delhi, you must download it online.

If you require any additional help and support, please see here.

Read this government resource to know more

Applying for New Ration Card

You may require a Ration Card for purposes like getting ID proof, purchasing grains at subsidized prices, etc. To get a new Ration Card, please follow the steps given below. Both the online procedure and the procedure for applying physically is given.

Procedure for Applying In-Person

Follow the steps given below to get a new Ration Card(( IndiaGov Archive, Apply for Ration Card, https://archive.india.gov.in/howdo/howdoi.php?service=7)):

Step 1 – You should fill out the application form, which you can obtain from any Circle Office, or download it from your state government’s website. You can access the portals to the relevant website for all the states here.

Step 2 – You should submit the relevant documents. Though the documents required vary across states, you will commonly be required to submit the following:

  • Proof of identification
  • Passport-sized photographs of the female head of your family attested by a gazetted officer/MLA/MP/Municipal Councillor
  • The specified proof of residence (If you cannot provide proof of residence, the office will conduct record the statements of two witnesses in your neighbourhood)
  • Income certificate, if applicable
  • The Surrender/Deletion Certificate of the previous Ration Card, if any
  • The prescribed fee. This varies across states.

Step 3 – You should get your documents verified by the officers at the Circle Office.

Step 4 – You should collect your acknowledgement receipt from the authorities.

Step 5 – You can then collect your Ration Card from the Circle Office/get it delivered.  For example, in Delhi, the Ration Card is uploaded online. The time limit varies across states. For example, in Delhi, it can take up to 2 months.

Online Procedure

You can also apply for a Ration Card online, depending on whether your state has that facility available. You can also check the status of your Ration Card in some states here.

Once you have your Ration card, you can also download it online through your state government’s website. For example, for Delhi, you should go to the website, and fill in the relevant details, such as Ration Card number, Aadhar number, etc., and you will be able to download your Card online.

If you require any additional help and support, please see here.

Read this government resource for more information.

Duplicate/Lost Ration Card

If your Ration Card is damaged or lost, you can approach the Circle Office, and ask them for a duplicate Ration Card. You will be given a new Ration Card, with the same details as your original.  To get a duplicate Ration Card, follow the steps given below:

Step 1 –  You should go to the Circle Office, and tell them that you need a duplicate Ration Card, on the basis of which, you will be provided with the relevant application form.

Step 2 – You should fill out the application form.

Step 3 – You should submit the relevant documents. Generally, you will have to submit an FIR for the Ration Card, if it is lost.

Step 4 – You should get your documents verified.

Step 5 –   You should collect your acknowledgement slip.

Step 6 – You can then collect your Ration Card/get it delivered. Some states have the facility to download it online. For example, in Delhi, you must download it.

If you require any additional help and support, please see here.

Check this resource on the National Government Service Portal