Who gives approval to places to carry out abortions?

The District Level Committee is a body that has the power to approve certain places as being fit for carrying out abortions. The Committee must consist of 3-5 members. One member must be a gynaecologist, surgeon or an anaesthetist, and others must be from the medical field, non-governmental organisations, and the Panchayati Raj of the District. At least one of these members must be a woman. The committee has a two-year tenure((

Rule 3, Medical Termination of Pregnancy Rules, 2003.)).

An application should be given to the Chief Medical Officer of the district. They have the power to verify information given in the application and conduct inspections (within two months of receipt of the application). Then, they will recommend the approval of the application to the committee, who can choose to approve or reject the same. In case of an approval, a certificate is issued, which must be displayed in the place mentioned in the application where abortions will be conducted((

Rule 5, Medical Termination of Pregnancy Rules, 2003.)).

What are the Abortion Helplines?

You can call a helpline to answer any queries regarding abortions and to understand where to get abortions as given below:

National Reproductive Health Helpline

The Ministry of Health and Welfare has set up a helpline number called the National Reproductive Health Helpline.

Call 1800116555 anytime between 9 am to 11 pm (Monday to Saturday).

This number is a toll-free number which offers only guidance to those who are considering abortion. You should give the following details when calling the helpline number:

  • Age
  • Location
  • Health status
  • Duration of the pregnancy.