Reporting Online Abuse

If you are a victim of online abuse or know someone being victimised, you must report it to the authorities. You can report online abuse in any of the following ways:

Approaching the Police Station

When you go to the police station to complain about a case of online abuse that you have faced, they will ask you to file an FIR. You should make sure you give all the information you know about the incident and abuse that you have faced.

Cyber Cell

Cyber Cells are present in every state and some police stations may have a unit designated to work on cyber crimes. These cells or units will look into and help you out in cases of online violence such as online stalking, hacking, etc. In many states, you can file a complaint online through the website of the cyber cell. For instance, for Delhi, you can file an online complaint here.

If you want to file a complaint, you will have to either:

  • File a complaint online with your respective state’s Cyber Cell website or
  • Approach the police station where you will have to file an FIR which will be forwarded to the Cyber Cell.

Complaint Portals

Online Crime Reporting Portal

You can also lodge a complaint by using the Ministry of Home Affairs’ Online Crime Reporting Portal. You may be redirected to a specific State Government’s website to register a complaint.

Register a complaint in the section “Services for Citizen”, and click on “Report a Cyber Crime ”. Here, you can provide information about the offender, the victim, and the incident along with any supporting evidence, such as screenshots. You can report anonymously or with identification, and you can track your complaint as well. 

Cyber Crime Reporting Portal

You can also directly file a complaint on the Cyber Crime Reporting Portal. Complaints can also be made anonymously.  You can complain against various cybercrimes by selecting the option ‘Report Cyber Crime Related to Women/Child’ or ‘Report Other Cyber Crime’. You must login and create an account and select “Report and Track” if you wish to track your complaint.

Cyber Safety

To be safe and free from abuse on the online platforms that we use in our day-to-day lives, you can follow the following tips based on the kind of user you are and the use of the online platform:

Blocking Users on Phones

If you are being harassed by someone through calls and texts, you can block them on your phones following these steps:

Android Phones

Block Calls

To block calls on Android, go to call history and click on the contact for a few seconds. Tap on the option “Add to Blacklist” and all the calls from that number will be rejected.

Block Texts

To block SMS’s on Android, go to the SMS list and click on the SMS you want to block for 2-3 seconds and you will see the block option on the top right corner of the screen. You will continue to receive messages from that number but won’t be notified anymore and the conversation will be archived.

Apple iPhones

With iOS, you can block contacts and phone numbers on your device. You can also filter iMessages from unknown senders and report iMessages that look like spam or junk. See here for further details on the same.

Cyber Stalking

If any person monitors the following used by a woman, it amounts to cyber stalking:

  • Internet
  • Email
  • Any other form of electronic communication
  • Social media platforms

For example, if someone is contacting you on multiple social media platforms despite making it clear that you are not interested in interacting with this person, then this means that they are stalking you online.

Anyone who is stalking you, if convicted for the first time, can face jail time up to three years and a fine, and on the second conviction, jail time up to five years and a fine.(( Section 354D, The Indian Penal Code, 1860.))

Anonymous Threats and Blackmailing

If you get anonymous threats online or you are blackmailed online, you can file a complaint with the cyber cell. To file a complaint, it is not necessary to know who is responsible for the crime. You should try and tell the police whatever you know, but you don’t have to know all the details. The person threatening or blackmailing you may be punished with jail time up to seven years or a fine or both.(( Section 507, The Indian Penal Code, 1860; Section 503, The Indian Penal Code, 1860; Section 506, The Indian Penal Code, 1860.))

Abusive Language and Photoshopping

If someone uses abusive language against you online or photoshops your image into content which is abusive or sexually coloured, that person can be punished(( Section 67, Information Technology Act, 2000.)) under the law. The abusive language or picture or video should:

  • Relate to a feeling or revealing of a sexual interest or sexual desire against you or;
  • Relate to any excessive interest in sexual matters or;
  • Relate to content which would deprave or corrupt you, if you read or saw it online, like pornography.

The punishment for the first conviction is jail time up to three years and a fine up to five lakhs and for the second conviction, a jail term which may extend to five years and a fine up to rupees ten lakhs. 

Physical Threats

Online threats of causing physical injury or harassment can be intimidating, and is considered a crime. For example, if someone messages you on Facebook that they will beat you up, it is considered a threat of physical injury. You can approach the relevant authorities, and file a complaint

In legal terms, this is called criminal intimidation, and it is punishable with jail time up to two years or a fine or both.1

  1. Section 506, The Indian Penal Code. []

Identity Theft

Identity theft refers to the act of someone dishonestly stealing and making use of your password, electronic signature, or other unique identification feature. For example, if your classmate steals your Instagram password, it is an instance of identity theft. 

Identity theft is punishable with jail time of up to three years and a fine of up to one  lakh rupees.1

  1. Section 66C, The Information Technology Act. []


Impersonation refers to the act of assuming a fake identity with the intention to deceive a person through the use of a computer or any communication device. For example, if someone posts a picture through your Facebook profile, while pretending to be you, it is a case of impersonation. 

The punishment for impersonation is jail time of up to three years and a fine of up to one lakh rupees.(( Section 66D , The Information Technology Act.))