What can employers deduct from employees’ wages?

Employers can make only authorised deductions from employees’ wages.

Payment that is due from an employee to the employer or their agent is a deduction. However, if an employee has a loss of wages for good reasons, such as the employer withholding a promotion or increment, demoting or suspending an employee, etc. that is not a deduction(( Section 18(1), Code on Wages, 2019.)).

Some of the major permitted deductions are related to(( Section 18(2), Code on Wages, 2019.)):

  • Fines imposed on the employee: An employer can fine an employee (not below fifteen years) up to three percent in any wage period for doing or failing to do certain acts. Before imposing the fine, the employer must first give the employee a chance to explain themselves.  The employer must recover the fine within ninety days of the employee’s violation. The employer must keep a record of the fines in a register and use them for the benefit of the employees(( Section 19, Code on Wages, 2019.)).
  • Absence from duty: An employer can deduct wages if the employee is absent from their designated workplace (this does not include leaves).  This includes an employee being present but refusing to work due to a stay-in strike or any unacceptable reason(( Section 20, Code on Wages, 2019.)).
  • Damage or loss of goods: An employer can deduct wages if an employee damages or loses goods entrusted to them, or loses money accountable to them. The damage or loss should be directly due to their neglect or default. The deduction should not be more than the amount of damage or loss, and the employer must first give the employee a chance to explain themselves. The employer must keep a record of such deductions(( Section 21, Code on Wages, 2019.)).
  • Facilities and services given by the employer: The employer can deduct wages if they have given employees house-accommodation, or services other than what is required for employment. The deduction should not exceed the value of the facilities and services. The employer cannot make this deduction unless the employee has accepted the facility or service as a term of employment(( Section 22, Code on Wages, 2019.)).
  • Recovery of advances: The employer can deduct wages to recover any advances (including travelling allowance) given to the employee along with the associated interest, or for adjusting an overpayment of wages. If the employer gave the advance before the employee started employment, they can recover the money from the first payment of wages, but cannot recover advances given for travelling expenses(( Section 23, Code on Wages, 2019.)).
  • Recovery of loans: The employer can deduct wages from employees for recovering loans made from labour funds or loans given for building houses, etc. along with the associated interest(( Section 24, Code on Wages, 2019.)).
  • Other deductions: Employers can deduct wages for subscribing to social security funds like provident or pension funds, for paying an employee’s membership fees to Trade Unions, deductions for income-tax purposes, etc

The total amount of deductions cannot be more than fifty percent of the wages, and the employee can recover any excess deduction.(( Section 18(4), Code on Wages, 2019.))

Duties of Registered Pharmacists towards Patients

While helping clients, pharmacists have certain duties:

  • A pharmacist is not bound to attend every person who asks for their service. However, a pharmacist should always be ready to respond to the sick and injured.(( Regulation 8.1(a), Pharmacy Practice Regulations, 201))
  • Pharmacists should always maintain the confidentiality of their patients. For instance, a pharmacist should not reveal any issues or defects of patients observed during medical attendance. However, if the laws of the State require a pharmacist to give such information, they can do so. Pharmacists can also give such information if they think it will protect a healthy third party from a communicable disease like malaria, COVID-19 etc.(( Regulation 8.1(a), Pharmacy Practice Regulations, 2015))
  • While giving a prognosis, a pharmacist should not exaggerate or minimize the seriousness of the patient’s condition. In addition, pharmacists should ensure that the patient, patient’s family and close friends have knowledge of the patient’s condition so as to serve the best interests of the patient and patient’s family.1
  • Pharmacists should respond to any request for their assistance in an emergency. They should not deliberately commit an act of negligence that may deprive the patient from necessary medical care.(( Regulation 8.4, Pharmacy Practice Regulations, 2015))

Patient Counseling by Pharmacists

Upon receiving a prescription drug order, and after reviewing the patient’s record, a registered pharmacist should personally initiate discussion of matters that will optimize the drug therapy or care of the patient. The pharmacist can conduct the discussion in person, or by telephone etc.

The discussion should include appropriate elements of patient counseling.(( Regulation 9.3(a), Pharmacy Practice Regulations, 2015)) Such elements may include the following :

  • Name and description of the drugs(( Regulation 9.3(a)(i), Pharmacy Practice Regulations, 2015))
  • The dosage form, dose, route of administration, and duration of drug therapy(( Regulation 9.3(a)(ii), Pharmacy Practice Regulations, 2015))
  • Special directions and precautions for the drug(( Regulation 9.3(a)(iv), Pharmacy Practice Regulations, 2015))
  • Common side effects, adverse effects etc. that may be encountered, including their avoidance, and the action required if they occur(( Regulation 9.3(a)(v), Pharmacy Practice Regulations, 2015))
  • Techniques for self monitoring drug therapy(( Regulation 9.3(a)(vi), Pharmacy Practice Regulations, 2015))
  • Proper storage of the drugs(( Regulation 9.3(a)(vii), Pharmacy Practice Regulations, 2015))

The patient or their agent can always refuse such counseling.

Role of pharmacies during counseling

The pharmacist has to maintain a record of drugs administered to the patient.(( Regulation 9.3(b), Pharmacy Practice Regulations, 2015))Further, pharmacies providing patient counseling have to keep in mind that:

  • Only registered pharmacists can be involved in counseling.(( Regulation 9.3(d)(i), Pharmacy Practice Regulations, 2015))
  • Facilities should be provided for confidential conversation, and patient confidentiality must be maintained.(( Regulation 9.3(d)(ii), Pharmacy Practice Regulations, 2015))
  • Proper documentation is necessary.(( Regulation 9.3(d)(iv), Pharmacy Practice Regulations, 2015))
  • Counseling should be for the patient’s benefit. In every consultation, the benefit to the patient is of foremost importance. All registered pharmacists engaged in the case should be frank with the patient and his attendants.(( Regulation 9.3(d)(vi), Pharmacy Practice Regulations, 2015))
  • During counseling, punctuality should be maintained.(( Regulation 9.3(d)(vii), Pharmacy Practice Regulations, 2015))

However, please remember that the law does not give pharmacists the power to open pharma clinics to diagnose the disease and prescribe medicines.(( Clarification on Pharmacy Practice Regulations, 2015 notified by Pharmacy Council of India in Gazette of India No.17 dated 16.1.2015))

If these duties are not fulfilled and you face issues as a pharmaceutical client/patient, then you can file a complaint against the pharmacist.

  1. Regulation 8.3, Pharmacy Practice Regulations, 2015 []

How to file a complaint for Safai Karamcharis?

If you notice or are made aware of instances where laws for safai karamcharis are not followed, you can file a complaint to the National Commission for Safai Karamcharis (NCSK). You can visit their website complaint section here.

This Commission will inquire into the complaints and report them to the officers of the Municipalities and the Panchayats with recommendations of further actions.

How to claim Maternity Benefits?

The employer must pay you your maternity benefit before your delivery. (( Section 6(5), The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.)) For this, you have to give your employer a written notice to state your claim to the maternity benefit. Given below  is a checklist of information that should be in the notice:

  • You have to state that you will not work for any other employer during the time for which  you have claimed the maternity benefit. (( Section 6(1), The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.))
  • You can also nominate  another person who can receive the payment on your behalf. (( Section 6(1), The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.))
  • In case you are pregnant, the notice should state the date from which you will be absent from work. This cannot be earlier than 6 weeks before the date of your expected delivery. (( Section 6(2), The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961))
  • You are required to submit proof that you are pregnant.

Claiming Benefit After Delivery

Subsequently, you can claim the maternity benefit for the period after your delivery within 48 hours of submitting proof that you have delivered the child. 1 If you have not given the notice when you were pregnant, you can give the notice as soon as possible after your delivery. (( Section 6(3), The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961))  However, just because you haven’t given a notice does not mean that you will not be able to get maternity benefits. You can make an application to the inspector and he can order that the payment be made. (( Section 6(6), The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.))

Going Back to Work

If you continue to go to work after you have been allowed to take maternity leave by your employer, then you shall have to forfeit your claim to the maternity benefit for such period. (( Section 18, The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.))

When to file a Complaint against Sexual Harassment

Generally, you must file a complaint within three months of the incident of sexual harassment that you have faced. The exact date of the deadline depends on the number of sexual harassment incidents you have faced. Also, if there has been a delay in filing a complaint, in some cases, your complaint might be accepted anyway.

3 Month Period(( Section 9(1), Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.))

  1. One Incident of Sexual Harassment
    You must file your complaint within 3 months of the incident of sexual harassment.
  2. Multiple Incidents of Sexual Harassment
    If you have been subjected/been a victim of multiple instances of sexual harassment then you must file the complaint within 3 months of the last incident of sexual harassment.

Delay in Filing a Complaint

If you cannot file a complaint within 3 months:

  1. You can approach the Internal Committee anyway and try and explain to them why you couldn’t file the complaint.
  2. If the Internal Committee is satisfied that there were adequate circumstances that prevented you from filing a complaint then they will accept your complaint1. This is at their discretion.

Please do act, with the help of adequate support groups, to file a complaint as soon as you are comfortable enough to do the same.

Accepting your Job Offer in Writing

Acceptance Only After Negotiations

Make sure that you finish all your negotiations for any change in the offer and only then accept the job. This is because once you accept the offer, your employer will think that you are accepting all the terms in the offer without any problem.

Writing an Acceptance Letter

While accepting a job offer from your employer, either do so by email or sign an appointment letter provided by your employer. This way it will be hard for the employer to dispute your appointment in the future and withdraw from it.

Time Limit for Acceptance

In some cases, your employer may ask you to reply with the acceptance of the job offer by email before a certain date, for example, the 10th of the month or by the end of the week. It is imperative that you respond to the job offer within this time period or the offer may lapse and the employer may offer the position to someone else. You will not have any recourse against this.

If your employer does not specify any time or manner of replying to the job, then:

  • Use the mode of communication which does not cause delays.
  • Reply within a reasonable time or the job offer may not be there anymore.

If you decide to reject the job offer, please make sure that you communicate it properly to your employer either in writing or in person or over the phone.

Duties of an Inspector to prevent Child Labour

The Government appoints Inspectors to make sure that there is no illegal employment and the permitted employment of adolescents is done as per the law. An inspector or police officer has a duty to:

  • Conduct periodical inspections of the places where employment of children is prohibited.
  • Carry out rounds of inspection at industries where children are employed and where adolescents are employed.
  • To check the working conditions of children in family enterprises.
  • Accept complaints and report illegal acts of child labour to the Court.
  • Determine age of a child, if there is a doubt that the child is below the age of 14 years.
  • Inspect the Register maintained by the employer at the establishment which would have details such as:
    • Name and date of birth of the child employed along with relevant documents as to the date of birth.
    • Hours and periods of work(including the hours of rest).
    • Nature of the work that the child is doing.

All the inspectors have to make sure that if a child is being employed illegally, then the concerned employer has to pay Rs. 20000 as a fine into a fund known as the Child Labour Rehabilitation-cum-Welfare Fund, which the child can reclaim later.

How should employers pay wages?

Employers can pay wages in any of the following ways: (( Section 15, Code on Wages, 2019))

  • Current coin or currency notes
  • Cheque
  • Crediting wages in the employee’s bank account
  • Electronic mode

However, the concerned Government might specify industrial or other establishments where employers should pay the wages only by cheque or by crediting wages in the bank account.

Ethical Conduct by Pharmacists

Some of the ethical practices for pharmacists include:

Handling of Drugs/Medicines by Pharmacists

Pharmacists should take all possible care to dispense a prescription correctly by weighing and measuring all ingredients in correct proportions, with the help of scale and measures (visual estimations must be avoided). Further, a pharmacist should always use drugs and medicinal preparations of standard quality, and should never adulterate the preparations. A pharmacist should be very careful in dealing with drugs and medicinal preparations known to be poisonous, or used for addiction  or any other abusive purposes.(( Chapter II, Code of Pharmaceutical Ethics))

Hawking of Drugs/Medicines

Hawking of drugs and medicines is discouraged. Therefore, pharmacists cannot engage in door-to-door solicitation of the products. To prevent self-medication using drugs, pharmacists are discouraged from distributing therapeutic substances without expert supervision.(( Chapter III, Code of Pharmaceutical Ethics))

Fair Trade Practice

Cut-throat competition, aiming to capture the business of another pharmaceutical establishment is discouraged among pharmacists. Cut-throat competition includes:

  • Offering any sort of prizes, gifts or any kind of allurement to customers
  • Knowingly charging lower prices for medical commodities, compared to the reasonable prices charged by a fellow pharmacist.

In case any order or prescription intended to be served by a particular dispensary is brought by mistake to another dispensary, the latter should refuse to accept it and should direct the customer to the right place. Imitation or making a copy of labels, trademarks and other signs and symbols of other pharmaceutical establishments are also not allowed under the law. (( Chapter III, Code of Pharmaceutical Ethics))

Advertising and Displays

In connection to selling medicines to the public, a pharmacist should not use displays that are undignified, or which contain the following:3

  • Any wording design or illustration that reflects pharmacists or an individual in a bad light.
  • A disparaging or derogatory reference to other suppliers, products, remedies or treatments. Even if the comments are direct or implied, it is not allowed.
  • Misleading or exaggerated statements or claims.
  • The word “Cure” in reference to an ailment or symptoms of ill-health.
  • A guarantee of therapeutic effect
  • An attempt to increase fear through advertisements.
  • An offer to refund money paid by a customer
  • A prize, competition or similar scheme.
  • Any reference to a medical practitioner or a hospital, or the use of the terms “Doctor” or “Dr.” or “Nurse” in connection with the name of a preparation not already established.
  • A reference to sexual weakness, premature ageing or loss of virility.
  • Indecent references to complaints of sexual nature.

If a pharmacy knows, or  could reasonably know that a preparation is advertised by such means, such preparations should not be displayed in the pharmacy.

Workplaces with Maternity Benefits

The Maternity Benefit Act will apply to you if you work in any of the following workplaces:

  • Any establishment such as a factory, mine or plantation, including government establishments (( Section 2(1)(a), The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.))
  • Establishments employing people for the exhibition of equestrian, acrobatic and other performances (( Section 2(1)(a), The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.))
  • Shops or establishments employing  10 or more people and which is covered within the laws of the state (( Section 2(1)(b), The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.))
  • Any other establishment or class of establishments, industrial, commercial, agricultural units etc. that the state may notify. (( Proviso, Section 2(1),The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.))

However, workplaces covered under the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948, will have to follow the maternity benefits given under this law. (( Section 2(2), The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961)) Read more here.

Working From Home

When your maternity leave is over and the nature of your work allows you to work from home, you can ask your employer to allow you to work from home. (( Section 5(5), The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.)) This is based on you and your employer mutually agreeing on the conditions of your employment from home.