What is a HR policy?

HR policy or Human Resource policies are an organization’s guidelines  to manage its employees. It provides guidance to employees and employers on how the organization functions and provides for strict rules on things you can and cannot do in the organization. For example, the HR policy will specify the manner in which you have to inform your employer that you are taking leave. Many employment contracts refer to the HR policy and not following the HR policy may lead to disputes with your employer, which in turn may result in termination.

What is a joining bonus?

A joining bonus is an amount of money paid to a new employee as an incentive to join that company. A joining bonus may be offered in these situations:

  • When your new employer wants you to join as soon as possible, they may offer you a joining bonus to quit your old office and forgo the notice period.
  • When a company, especially a start-up, wants to persuade you to join.

Can my employer ask me to not work with a rival firm if I quit the job?

No, employers cannot deny you the freedom and right to move to any firm if you decide to quit. Such restrictive terms in the contract are very problematic for employees and Indian courts have said that the protection of the rights of an employee seeking employment is more important than protecting the interests of the employer. If such a term is there in your contract, then you should talk to your employer. It is typically referred to as a non-compete clause. If your employer does not want to negotiate or remove such a term in your contract, then your only remedy is to go to court.

Why is it better to have a written employment contract, as compared with an oral one?

Contracts may be in written or oral form but in a scenario where there is no documentation of the offer and acceptance of the job, it may be more difficult to discover whether your employer and you have agreed and promised to honour the words spoken. This is why it is better to have an employment contract that is written and signed by your employer and you. It is also a useful proof for any proof of employment or filing of taxes.

Who sits on a Local Complaints Committee?

The Local Complaints Committee has:

  • A woman Chairperson, a woman in the field of social work committed to the cause of women
  • A woman who is working in the block, taluka, tehsil, ward or municipality.
  • Two members, who are from NGOs/associations/persons committed to the cause of women or are familiar with issues of sexual harassment
    • At least one of them should be a woman
    • At least one of them must have a background of law or legal language
  • An Ex-Officio member, who is an officer dealing with social welfare or women and child development in the district