Is it possible that the bank can misplace my cheque after I have presented it to them for encashment?

It is possible for the bank to misplace your cheque either during the clearing process or at the paying bank’s branch. In such situations the bank should do the following:

  • The bank should immediately inform the customer who presented the cheque.
  • The customer is entitled to be reimbursed by banks for related expenses for obtaining duplicate instruments and also interest for reasonable delays in obtaining the same.

As soon as the bank informs the customer that the cheque has been lost, then the customer can take precautions and inform the drawer of the cheque to stop the payment of the cheque.

It may however be noted that the probability of losing the physical instrument in the hands of paying bank is remote, in the locations covered by CTS as clearing is undertaken on the basis of images.

Will I receive an acknowledgement for cheque deposited in a bank for collection?

There are two types of facilities that banks provide for cheques:

  • They provide a drop-box facility where you can drop-off your cheque. You will not get an acknowledgement for a cheque dropped at the drop-box.
  • They also have collection counters where you can get an acknowledgement when you give the cheque for collection at the bank branch’s counter.

I issued a cheque to my landlord at the beginning of the month for rent and when he en-cashed the cheque there was no money in my bank account. Can I be held liable?

Yes, you can be held liable for cheque bouncing. Typically a cheque is valid for 3 months from the date on which it is issued. When you make a promise to your landlord to pay your rent through a cheque, it is understood your promise is good for 3 months. Even if your intention was to pay your rent when you wrote the cheque, but a few days later, your account balance went below the amount required to pay the rent cheque on the day your landlord presented the cheque for payment, you have still committed an illegal act. The relevant factor is not your intention to pay when you wrote the cheque, but whether your promise can be honoured on the day your landlord presents the cheque at his bank.

If I have filed a cheque bouncing case against someone, can I ask the Court for some interim compensation?

Yes, if you have filed a cheque bouncing case against someone, you can apply for interim compensation to be given to you. This compensation would be 20 percent of the amount of cheque that was bounced. Once the court passes the order for the compensation, you should be paid within 60 days by the accused person. In exceptional cases they can even pay you in 90 days.

If the final court order in the case is in your favour, the award amount that you will receive will be after deducting the compensation amount paid in the beginning of the case. But in case the final order is not in your favour, you must return the initial compensation amount with interest.

What is the format in which I should send a notice to the issuer/drawer of the cheque?

Any demand made after the dishonour of cheque will constitute a notice. It is not necessary that the notice should be sent by Registered Post alone, it could be sent even by fax. It is not necessary that the notice should be in any particular form or style. What is essential is that there should be a demand to pay the dishonoured cheque amount.

Will I recover the entire sum of money that I lost from my account because of online bank fraud?

The Code of Bank’s Commitment to Customers says that you will have to be reimbursed by the bank, if you inform the bank promptly. Your maximum loss should never be more than Rs. 25,000 – for example, for a fraudulent withdrawal of INR 50,000 the bank will make good your loss of INR. 25,000, and you will only have to bear the loss of INR 25,000. This limit will NOT apply if you have acted fraudulently or negligently or have contributed to the disclosure of/unauthorized access to information.

What is Police Verification with respect to renting an accommodation?

Police Verification happens when the police verifies your identity and makes sure that you do not have any criminal record. While renting a house, it is the duty of the landlord to do police verification under the law and make you fill a “police verification form”, otherwise he will be punished. Sometimes even brokers help landlords to do the police verification but you do not have to do it yourself or pay any money for the form.

Is it compulsory to get the lease deed registered?

Yes, if your lease deed is for 12 months or more, then it is compulsory to get it registered. Otherwise, if it is less than 12 months, even though compulsory registration is not required under the law, it is better to get it registered in case you need to prove your address for any reason such as passport verification, Aadhar verification etc.