Advertisement on Radio

Last updated on Jun 15, 2022

Radios are also a medium for advertising by political parties and candidates and the Media Certification and Monitoring Committee(MCMC) in every district and state monitors all radio activity. They monitor the radio jingles of all political parties being transmitted on the FM channels so as to take appropriate steps to ascertain whether they are violating the Model Code of Conduct. The content of the radio jingles should not(( Reconstitution of Media Certification & Monitoring Committee , Election Commission, available at

  • Criticize the private lives of politicians.
  • Attack religious communities.
  • Consist of obscene and defamatory material.
  • Incite violence.
  • Affect India’s integrity, unity and sovereignty.

A register is maintained to keep track of the FM channels being heard where the name and number of channels are specifically entered. Two officers are assigned to listen to each FM channel for 30 minute slots. For example, if a political party is playing jingles mocking another candidate, the MCMC will order it to be taken down.

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Print Media and MCC

All print media including newspapers have to follow the rules under the MCC.

Unfair Election Practices by Candidates

There are many practices during an election campaign that candidates are not supposed to do, which count as unfair election practices by the candidates.

Use of Religion as a Basis for Campaigning

A party or candidate cannot campaign in any manner which would result in creating tension or hatred between different castes and religious communities.

Ban on Use of Official Vehicles during Campaigning

The use of any official vehicles for campaigning or election-related travel from the date of announcement of elections till the completion of elections is not allowed.

Use of Defence Forces for Campaigning

Political parties or candidates cannot use defence forces for campaigning purposes. They cannot use the photographs of any defence forces or army staff during their campaign.

What is the Model Code of Conduct (MCC)?

The MCC are rules and regulations for the actions of the political parties, candidates, people supporting them, civil servants during election time and anybody else who is associated with elections.