If there is no Anti-ragging squad in your college, you can call on the helpine 1800 – 180 – 5522 set up by University Grants Commission or email them at helpline@antiragging.in. You can also file an online complaint at https://www.antiragging.in/Site/Complains_details.aspx

Anti-Ragging Authorities

Last updated on Apr 8, 2022

To prevent ragging, every college and university must constitute the following authorities:(( Section 6.3, the UGC Regulations On Curbing The Menace Of Ragging In Higher Educational Institutions, 2009.))

Anti-Ragging Committee 

It is compulsory for every college to constitute an Anti-Ragging Committee, which is composed of the following members:(( Section 6.3 (a), the UGC Regulations On Curbing The Menace Of Ragging In Higher Educational Institutions, 2009.))

  • Head of the college
  • Representatives of the police
  • Local media
  • NGOs working for the youth
  • Parent representatives
  • Faculty representatives
  • Student representatives (both freshers and seniors)
  • Non-teaching staff

However, the duties of the Anti Ragging Committee are to:(( Section 6.3 (b), the UGC Regulations On Curbing The Menace Of Ragging In Higher Educational Institutions, 2009.))

  • Ensure that the college is complying with the law on ragging in India
  • Monitor the activities of the Anti-Ragging Squad
  • Receive recommendations from the Anti-Ragging Squad and take final action in incidents of ragging

Anti-Ragging Squad 

It is compulsory for every college to constitute an Anti Ragging Squad, which is(( Section 6.3 (c), the UGC Regulations On Curbing The Menace Of Ragging In Higher Educational Institutions, 2009.)) nominated by the head of the college, such as the Principal or the Dean. The squad has representatives from different members of the campus community, like teachers, student volunteers, etc. However, outside representatives like the police or media are not a part of this authority.

The duties of the Anti Ragging Squad are to:(( Section 6.3 (d)(e), the UGC Regulations On Curbing The Menace Of Ragging In Higher Educational Institutions, 2009.))

  • Conduct on-the-spot inquiry into any ragging incident. Anyone including the Head of the college, parents or guardians, members of the faculty, students, etc. can approach the Anti Ragging Squad to inform them about an incident or file a complaint.
  • Submit the inquiry report of a ragging incident and the recommendations to the Anti-Ragging Committee, who will then take action. For instance, the actions may include administrative punishments, like suspension or a complaint with the police.
  • Make surprise visits and inspections of any place where ragging is likely to take place, such as hostels.

Mentoring Cell

It is compulsory for every college to(( Section 6.3 (f), the UGC Regulations On Curbing The Menace Of Ragging In Higher Educational Institutions, 2009.)) constitute a Mentoring Cell at the end of every academic year. It is composed of students who have volunteered to be mentors for the new students joining the college or institution.

The duties of the Mentoring Cell are to provide support and mentor-ship to the freshers or new students. However, please note that as per law, one mentor can have six freshers, and each mentor of a more senior level will have six mentors under his guidance. For example, if Ram is a 2nd-year student who has six freshers to be mentored and Shyam is a 3rd-year student, Shyam will mentor Ram and five other such mentors.

Monitoring Cell on Ragging

It is compulsory for every University to constitute a Monitoring Cell on Ragging. Additionally, the duties of the Monitoring Cell on Ragging are to:(( Section 6.3 (g)(h), the UGC Regulations On Curbing The Menace Of Ragging In Higher Educational Institutions, 2009.))

  • Coordinate the activities of all the colleges affiliated with the University to prevent ragging. For example, a monitoring cell of Delhi University will coordinate activities of all the colleges associated with it.
  • Get reports from the Heads of colleges on activities of the Mentoring Cell, Anti-Ragging Squad and Anti-Ragging Committee.
  • Review the efforts of the colleges to publicize anti-ragging measures.
  • Get affidavits signed from parents and students to abstain from ragging and to get punished, in case they engage in ragging.
  • Initiate action for amending any by-laws or ordinances of the University to ensure implementation of anti-ragging measures.

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Related Resources

Acts considered as Ragging

Many actions taken by students are considered to be ragging under the law. Some of the acts are mentioned herein.
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Duties of Institutions to Prevent Ragging

It is the duty of the college to prevent ragging. All colleges/universities must take all measures to eliminate ragging, both within and outside the campus.
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Punishment for Ragging

If any student is caught ragging another student, he or she can be punished. Additionally, the punishment can be in the form of administrative punishment or police complaint.
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Complaining Against Ragging

For ragging, you can complain to the college authorities, the national helpline or the police. Please note that another person can also complain on your behalf.
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What is Ragging?

Ragging is any physical, verbal or mental abuse committed by one student against another student belonging to an educational institute. The seniority of the student who rags or is ragged does not matter. 
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Appeal against Ragging Complaints

Sometimes, it is possible that in the case of a ragging complaint, a student feels aggrieved or upset by the decision given by the Anti-Ragging Committee. In such a case, you can appeal against the decision given.
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