Who can complain?

Last updated on Jun 7, 2022

A complaint (( Section 2(6), Consumer Protection Act, 2019.)) about a product or service can be filed by (( Section 2(5), Consumer Protection Act, 2019.)) a number of persons under the law, such as:

  • People who buy goods or use services for themselves or for their own work in exchange for a payment. (( Section 2(7),The Consumer Protection Act, 2019 (Act 35 of 2019)) For example, if a person takes an Uber cab to work, they are a consumer of a service. If a person buys a car to use it as a taxi and drives it themselves for earning their livelihood, they are a consumer of goods.
  • People who use the goods and services with the permission of the buyer who bought such goods for self-consumption or self-employment in exchange of a payment. For example, if a person buys a soap and that soap is used by their family members. All these people are consumers of the soap and can file a complaint in case of any defect in the soap.
  • A person who buys goods for commercial purposes can file a complaint during the warranty period of the goods (( Super Computer Centre vs Globiz Investment Pvt. Ltd., 3 (2006) CPJ 256 NC)). For example, if a person buys a computer system for their company and finds any defect in the system within the warranty period of the system, they will be a consumer.
  • Multiple consumers (( Section 2(7), Consumer Protection Act, 2019.)) who share similar grievances or issues. For example, if multiple people wish to complain about the service standards at a restaurant.
  • A registered or recognized voluntary association of consumers (( Section 35(1)(b), Consumer Protection Act, 2019.)) can also file a complaint.
  • Legal guardian of a consumer who is a minor. Legal guardian includes a parent or a relative or a person lawfully bestowed with parental obligations.
  • Legal representative of a consumer in case the consumer has passed away.
  • The Central or State Government can file a complaint.
  • The Central Consumer Protection Authority can take notice of a consumer grievance under the direction of the Central Government(( Section 18(2)(a), Consumer Protection Act, 2019.)). Under the law, this is known as the power to take a case suo motu (on its own) 8(( Section 18(2)(a), Consumer Protection Act, 2019.)).

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Related Resources

Consumer Complaint Forums

The consumer protection law specifies relevant authorities and complaint forums that can be approached if consumer rights are violated.

Punishments for Consumer Rights Violations

The Central Consumer Protection Authority has the power to penalize an individual or entity for violating consumer rights.

Mediation as a mode of Consumer Dispute Settlement

The Consumer Protection Act, 2019 has introduced mediation, when there is a scope of settlement between the parties.

Procedure to file a consumer complaint

A complaint can be filed electronically to the Integrated Grievance Redressal Mechanism portal (INGRAM), or offline with the consumer protection authorities such as district or state commissions to seek relief for consumer rights violations.

Types of Consumer Complaints

Complaints may be filed regarding e-services, misleading advertisements, restrictive trade practices, spurious/defective goods, food etc.

Consumer Protection Authorities

The Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) aims to promote, protect and enforce the rights of consumers collectively.