What is Police Verification with respect to renting an accommodation?

Police Verification happens when the police verifies your identity and makes sure that you do not have any criminal record. While renting a house, it is the duty of the landlord to do police verification under the law and make you fill a “police verification form”, otherwise he will be punished. Sometimes even brokers help landlords to do the police verification but you do not have to do it yourself or pay any money for the form.

Is it compulsory to get the lease deed registered?

Yes, if your lease deed is for 12 months or more, then it is compulsory to get it registered. Otherwise, if it is less than 12 months, even though compulsory registration is not required under the law, it is better to get it registered in case you need to prove your address for any reason such as passport verification, Aadhar verification etc.

Why is it important to get rent receipts from the landlord?

It is always a good practice to get rent receipts especially if you are paying rent in cash. Taking rent receipts can have advantages such as claiming tax exemption while filing your return (if you are eligible), using it as evidence if a dispute arises from the rent agreement, etc.

What will happen if I do not give my landlord notice before leaving the rented house?

The notice period is given in your agreement. If you do not provide the required amount of notice before leaving the house, the landlord/licensor can deduct an amount from the security deposit, which will be equivalent to the notice period. For example, if your notice period was one month and you informed the landlord that you would be leaving in one week, he can deduct three weeks worth of rent from your security deposit.