I have tested Covid Positive recently. Can my family members come to visit me and take care of me?

During lockdown, no one is allowed on the roads unless they have valid reasons like a medical emergency. Since you are Covid-positive and this is a medical issue, your family members can apply for permission to visit you.

Most States have an online portal through which a person can apply for an ePass for getting permission to travel. For States which do not have this system, your family members must first approach the local police and request permission to travel and visit you. If the police approve the request considering your situation, your family members can visit you. While travelling, they must carry the police-approved pass/valid papers showing that they have permission to visit you during lockdown.

What are the legal remedies available if a person or government officials force for vaccination or threaten to file an FIR?

Government officials cannot force you to take the Covid-19 vaccine or file an FIR against you for refusing to do so. If someone forces you to take the vaccine, it is a violation of your right to privacy and bodily integrity, and you can file a writ petition against this in the High Court/Supreme Court. Currently, it is not a crime to refuse vaccination. However, the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 and the Disaster Management Act, 2005 give the government large powers to take whatever action necessary for preventing the spread of a disease. So, the government can use these powers to make vaccination compulsory in the future.

Please note that while no one can force you to take the vaccine, you still need to follow the Covid-19 norms like the lockdown/curfew rules. If you intentionally do any unlawful or negligent act which is likely to spread the infection of any life-threatening disease, the punishment is jail time of up to six months and/or a fine. Further, if you intentionally disobey a lawful order by the police or a government official, and this causes danger to human life, health or safety, you can be punished with jail time of up to six months and/or a fine of up to Rupees one thousand.

Can you correct the details on the vaccination certificate online?

Yes, you can correct details on the vaccination certificate online now. The CoWin website has introduced a new feature to change a mistake in your name on the CoWin vaccination certificate. You can go to your Account on Cowin.gov.in and select ‘Raise an Issue’ and then select ‘Correction in the Certificate’. You can change your name, date of birth and gender. This option is only available to make a change once .

If you have more doubts, you have the option of talking to the: COVID Helpline (011-23978046) and Technical Team of the Covid Helpline: 01204473222.

Do I have to pay income tax if I crowdfund (via sites like Ketto, Milaap etc.) to help with the Covid situation in India?

Yes, unless the person receiving the donation from crowdfunding is a charitable organisation, the funds are subject to income tax.

The funds raised through these platforms can be withdrawn by the individual/ organisation post the deduction of the platform fees and the GST on such fees. This net amount received after these deductions may be applicable for local government taxes is subject to income tax. Therefore, crowdfunded proceeds are taxable income in the year you receive them(( Section 56, Income Tax Act, 1961.)).

Crowdfunding is the means of raising money from individuals for a social cause, cooperative initiative or a project and has become a popular practice for raising funds to help with the COVID situation in India. Online platforms like Millap, Wishberry and Ketto primarily follow donation-based crowdfunding where individuals donate money to support the cause. These platforms are facilitators that aid individuals and organisations raise funds. Crowdfunding is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India(SEBI) and the tax treatment of donations made to such individuals/ organisations through online platforms is covered under the Income-Tax Act, 1961.

From the perspective of the person making the donation, the Income-tax Act, 1961 provides that any person donating to charitable institutions or charitable funds is eligible to claim 100% deduction of the sum paid to such institutions or funds provided the institution/ fund has a valid 80G certificate.

These platforms specify that not all donations are eligible for tax deductions. They also provide requisite information on the fundraiser page as well as in the confirmation email that you receive from them that will help you determine if your donation is eligible for tax deduction or not. If your donation is eligible for tax deduction, you will receive the 80G from the charitable institution/ fund. However, if it is not eligible for tax deduction, then you will only receive an acknowledgement for your donation.

At what point can you say that the police are harassing people during the pandemic and what can you do?

While it is understood that it is the police force’s job to ensure compliance of the lockdown rules and maintain effective social distancing, this compliance cannot be rooted in the use of excessive and disproportionate violent force as use of excessive force by the police results in violation of human rights and dignity(( Anita Thakur and Ors. vs. Govt. of J & K & Ors, Writ Petition (Criminal) No. 118 of 2007.)) and is blatant harassment.

Similarly, handing out humiliating punishments onto lockdown violators such as crawling on the road constitutes harassment. The Supreme Court has also held practices such as lathi charge unacceptable(( Ramlila Maidan Incident v. Home Secretary, Union of India, (2012) 5 SCC.)) and those who resort to them, should be made liable .

If you face any harassment by the police during the pandemic you have two options:

File a complaint with your State’s police complaint authority which is the nodal authority that looks into complaints of misconduct by police officers

File a case in the High Court of your state with the help of a lawyer to stop police harassment. Make sure you have the receipts of the complaints filed to the police complaint authority to add into your petition to the Court.

What can you do if you see fake vaccination drives being done?

If you see a fake vaccination drive being done or suspect a vaccination centre to be fake you should immediately file a complaint with the local police and provide relevant information to them. An FIR can be filed with the police for cheating (Sec. 415 Indian Penal Code, 1860), impersonation (Sec. 416 IPC), forgery (Sec. 464 IPC) and making false claims (Section 52, Disaster Management Act, 2005.)

Recently, the Bombay High Court had asked the Maharashtra government and police to take action against those involved in Covid-19 vaccine fraud, under the Disaster Management Act, 2005 and Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897. The Court also asked the government to give information on the procedure that housing societies should follow to ensure that fake vaccination drives are not undertaken.

What can you do if you see animals being harmed during the pandemic?

If a person has witnessed cruelty to animals, they can follow these steps in order to save the life of the animal as well as prevent the abuser from harming other animals(( PETA India, accessed at: https://www.petaindia.com/blog/9-things-to-do-if-you-witness-cruelty-to-animals/.)):

Veterinary care: An abused animal may suffer with serious injuries and thus, lack of immediate medical care may be fatal. So, the animal must get immediate veterinary care

Knowledge of the Law: Websites such as Animal Welfare Board of India (http://www.awbi.in/) and the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (http://www.moef.nic.in/) explain the law related to animal protection and thus, a person concerned about animals should be familiar with the laws including the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960.

Document the crime: When a person witnesses a wrongdoing, they should take a photo or video of it to document the details of the crime. Important details such as licence plate number or visual of the abuser should be visible. Statements from other witnesses can also be collected along with statements from the veterinarian relating to the animal’s physical and health conditions or the cause of death.

File an FIR: The crime must be reported to the police immediately. The police can investigate only after the filing of the FIR. A private complaint can also be filed in court.

Inform other appropriate authorities: In addition to the police or the court, other authorities can also be contacted such as Animal Welfare Board or local Animal Welfare district officials.

Notify animal protection groups: The local animal protection groups and organisations, animal welfare officers, veterinarians can be contacted for extra help.

Conduct follow up: Follow up with the local authorities, garner media coverage and get legal help.

For immediate assistance, if you see any animals being harmed, you can complain to the police by calling 100 or call PETA(People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) India emergency number (0) 98201 22602. Another option is to reach out to the Animal Welfare Board of India website (http://www.awbi.in/hawo.html) and contact the animal welfare officer in your district.

Will I get in trouble if I go outside despite being Covid-19 positive?

Yes. If you are Covid-19 positive (regardless of whether or not you are symptomatic), you will get in trouble if you step outside. You will be doing a negligent act which may result in the spread of the infection to others. For this, you may get imprisoned for a term which may extend from six months(( Section 269, Indian Penal Code.)) to two years(( Section 270, Indian Penal Code.)) or a fine, or both. You can also be booked by the police for disobeying the directions to quarantine and may be punished for six months, with a fine of Rs. 1000 or both.

However, you will not be in trouble if you go out to get medical treatment if your condition gets serious. For this ensure that you are carrying an e-pass with you.

What will happen if I don’t wear a face mask in public?

If the police find you without a mask in public, you will be fined. The amount of the fine is different for all states. You may also be penalised under the Indian Penal Code for the negligent act of risking public health with a punishment of jail time upto six months, with fine or both(( Section 269, Indian Penal Code.)).

You are also supposed to wear a mask when you are travelling in a car. In the case of Saurabh Sharma v. Sub-Divisional Magistrate and Ors.(( 2021 SCC OnLine Del 1530.)), Delhi High Court in 2021 held that wearing a mask is compulsory even if you are travelling alone in a car. So if you are found not wearing a mask in the car, you may be fined by the police in your State.